Berlin Functional Programming Group - A Universal Hostless Substrate: Full Stack Web Apps Without a Backend, and More!

@expede is presenting remotely to an event organized by the Berlin Functional Programming Group

The last 60 years have seen the rise and fall of several models of computing: mainframes, private server, shared hosting, containers, and serverless (to name a few). We have one final phase left: “hostless” or universal apps. By leveraging technologies like secure multiparty compute, the content-addressable web, and the rise of Wasm, we are seeing the beginnings of a future liberated from specialized providers, acting on a distributed substrate of storage and compute. With all this in place, users fully control their own data (and it never touches your servers), deployment is as simple as setting a flag on your local environment, and developers maintain zero infrastructure. Come learn about what is being built today for the next wave of computing, how we evolve past the serverless paradigm, and how it can make life simpler for developers and end users!

Join in Tuesday, June 2, 2020 5:00 PMTuesday, June 2, 2020 7:00 PM

We saved a copy of the video from the original YouTube:

The slides are available on Notist.