Call for Participation: NAT Hole Punching Measurement Campaign, December 2022

Sign up for Punchr campaign

We need your help to carry out a very important measurement campaign for libp2p!

We will be running a NAT Hole Punching month during December to measure the success rate of libp2p’s new feature: how to make your home machine an active participant in the IPFS network. Right now, your home node can only request information from the wider network, which mostly makes it a passive node. We want to measure how feasible it is to also be able to send content to the network.

:sparkles: This will make home users active participants in the network and will expand tremendously the capabilities of IPFS (and other libp2p-powered networks) :rocket: :rocket:

:point_right: No technical skills required to participate
:point_right: You don’t need to run an IPFS node in order to participate
:point_right: The program is using minimal resources from your computer - you won’t notice
:point_right: It’s fine if you move between networks (e.g., home, office, cafe) and it’s fine if you use a VPN

ASK: Please read through the details here and sign up here. The experiment will run during December, but advance sign up will be very much appreciated

There is background here from March 2022 about hole punching and overcoming firewalls: