Can Fission be used to build mobile apps on Apple iOS or Google Android smartphones?

When we talk about building “apps”, we mostly mean web apps, that run on any browser, including mobile browsers on smartphones.

But mobile apps and app stores is also what a lot of people think about.

The short answer is, we’re focusing on making it very easy for developers to build powerful web native apps that have extra features that many other web apps don’t have, including passwordless login, user storage of data, and so on.

We do want to make these features available to mobile app developers too. We think that using Fission to store data and sync files for users in a cross-platform way that works across Apple iOS and Google Android – and also on desktop apps – would be very useful.

If you’re interested in this, leave a comment!

Oh how the tables turn. Native platform features slowly (if ever) move over to web APIs… now we are discussing web native features moving over to platforms. But I agree. Having data store and sync support on native platforms can only make the web native ecosystem stronger. This would allow developers to expose higher level web and native APIs for their application platforms built on top of web native.

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Yeah, we really want to do “yes and…”. Your stuff should be available everywhere, and not just locked into one system. If you squint, you’ll see an approach that looks a lot like iCloud – but not just for Apple hardware.

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Looking like iCloud idea is great. My only concern is if Fission is as decentralized as IPFS. Any part of Fission is centralized?
If Fission drive is on IPFS and IPFS is public accessible, my data will be exposed to the public. If my data is encrypted, who owns the encryption key(me or Fission)?

The encryption keys are completely non custodial — Fission can’t access your data, only you / your devices hold the keys.

Thanks for replying.
In your doc, it mentions ‘users give permissions to apps’. So the user needs to share the encryption key to these apps?

Each app has access to part of the user’s file system – just like you’re used to from your mobile device, or on your desktop computer. So the app <> user has a key for the path it has access to – like /Private/Apps/MyAppName.