Common Cents with B9Labs

Talked to Elias from B9Labs and came up with a potential name Common Cents.

The Back Your Stack is something to do with the PLN and other orgs for existing projects.

The Ideas/Need → Look for Devs → Sustain Project Loop is the main one to kick off.

For Ideas, we’ll likely want to keep this as an action item for filling out a form.

For the PLN, we want to encourage everyone to do the Back Your Stack.

We have some Projects that are ready to be funded — IPFS Awesome List and Capyloon are two. The Awesome List needs a developer and Capyloon will be looking for contributors.

B9 Labs has a community of trained developers who would be interested in these opportunities.

Need to settle on name, make a website, maybe do a trial with the two projects we have.

Talked to Ruben (Filecoin), who said talk to Matt.