Context Menu Actions


Allow users to perform Fission CLI related actions from contextual menus similar to “Move to Dropbox”

User Impact

+ Services become contextually available within OS
+ Easily perform actions without opening a terminal or GUI app
- Users annoyed by yet-another context menu item


  • Start/Stop IPFS daemon
  • Pin/Unpin content
  • Copy CID to clipboard
  • Fission logo

I would like a native Windows and Mac app that does something totally graphical.

I think “send to Fission” or “Fission up” are good candidates — but having to do native programming on two operating systems plus old versions is probably a bit too much right now.

The IPFS Desktop app already supports screenshots to IPFS with a key command combo.

I think screenshots to Fission, with a nice landing page on your own domain, would make for a really nice experience.

Even then, an Electron menu bar app so that it can more easily be cross platform is more likely.

Hmm. The existing IPFS Desktop might even be forked to get us there.