Democratizing Coding: The Future is in the Cloud -

The main gist of the article is in the direction of no-code, which I don’t necessarily agree with, but I liked the wording of a couple of sections:

Instead, updates will become more frequent, with fewer changes to enhance performance bit by bit instead of creating completely flawless software. Development and deployment will become more continuously integrated.

  • By democratizing design, Canva became a $6 billion company.
  • Wix achieved $12.6 billion in market capitalization on NASDAQ through democratizing website-building.
  • And with a $100 billion market capitalization on the NYSE, Shopify democratized e-commerce.

(I forget where I found this article and it kind of seems like a link stuffing post?)

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So is Fission democratizing app building? I think the hard parts are deployment / hosting, updates, and selling your app. Both distribution — getting it in front of people so they CAN buy your app / give you money — and the actual part where payment is taken.

Remix-Ing, if we enable this / promote it in the platform, makes app building easier by introducing new personas — theme/design tweaks, and site builders / distro makers, depending on the base app.

This means less people with hard core coding skills required, and a dramatically wider set of makers on the platform.

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