Enterprise Information System for Peer Production (Wireframes and Writeup)

This was started around 2012 and continued. I want it to be useful, rather than go unnoticed on the internet.

or EISPP links · GitHub

One parallel: CRDT reminds me of Miel Vander Sande et al., R&Wbase: Git for triples (66). There are many more. I think I started approaching the idea of DAOs before they were a thing. Blockchain is not a big part of this, but I think this crowd knows where they could be added in.

This talk by Spivak who emphasizes mapping over a central source of truth is a gem. I think it addresses the main weakness of EISPP.

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I guess since I cannot sheepishly delete this thread: Here is the GitHub Discussion for E.I.S.P.P (Enterprise Information System for Peer Production); Discussions · bshambaugh/eispp · GitHub. My hope is to review this with the fission folks and see if there is a path forward. There are many places to comment for each section. Even more of my thoughts are here: https://twitter.com/EISPPOpenManuf1. see also #tools-for-thought on Discord.

Here is a flowchart for EISPP from the Twitter account.

Index (links-removed, see bshambaugh-eispp for original:

ch_1_1_intro (Introduction)
ch1_1_nlq (Natural Language Query)

:seeAlso {Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval: an ontology-based approach};

:utilizes {PowerAqua} [Language: Java] .

{PowerAqua} :describedby Thesis .

{PowerAqua} :describedby Whitepaper .

{PowerAqua} :utilizes {Watson}

{Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval…} utilizes {WebCore} .

{Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval…} utilizes {Core} .

“…the query processing module PowerAqua makes use of the SW storage and accessing structures, but does not exploit the ontology evaluation measures and algorithms provided by our SW gateway. The lack of such measures and evaluations is justified when attempting to exploit them within a Web scale retrieval environment.” ({Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval…} pg. 178)

ch1_2_OB (Ontology Browsing)

:seeAlso {An Intelligent Query Interface Based on Ontology Navigation} .

ch_1_2_sparql (SPARQL Query)
ch1_nlq_fgss (Fresnel GSS)
ch_1_2_edit_triples (Edit Triples)

:seeAlso {A Widget Library for Creating Policy-Aware Semantic Web Applications} : [Langauge: JavaScript] .

ch_1_2_OPM (OPM)
ch_1_2_Ripple (Ripple Transaction)
ch_1_2_NLP (NLP Edit)
ch_1_2_2nd_file (How to add a second file)
ch_1_2_Applications (Applications)

:seeAlso {Data ownership and interoperability for a decentralized social semantic web} : ;
:child {SOLiD} : [Language: JavaScript et al.] .

ch_1_2_Botqueue_IOT (Botqueue IOT)
ch_1_2_VRM (VRM)

:seeAlso {Data ownership and interoperability for a decentralized social semantic web} : .

ch_1_2_edit_OPM (Edit OPM)
ch_1_2_P2PArch (HP Computing)
ch_1_2_GSS_URI_SPARQL (SPARQL expansion for URI)
ch_1_2_Facet (Faceted Browsing like S.I.M.I.L.E Longwell)

:seeAlso {SIMILE Longwell} [Language Java, JavaScript] .

ch_1_2_ldbrowser (linked data browser like Fenfire)

:seeAlso {Fenfire} [Language: Haskell],
{LodLive} [Language: JavaScript],
{RDF Gravity}[Language: Java] .

ch_1_2_Preferences (Preferences)
ch_1_2_conclusion (Conclusion)