Index (links-removed, see bshambaugh-eispp for original:
ch_1_1_intro (Introduction)
ch1_1_nlq (Natural Language Query)
:seeAlso {Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval: an ontology-based approach};
:utilizes {PowerAqua} [Language: Java] .
{PowerAqua} :describedby Thesis .
{PowerAqua} :describedby Whitepaper .
{PowerAqua} :utilizes {Watson}
{Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval…} utilizes {WebCore} .
{Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval…} utilizes {Core} .
“…the query processing module PowerAqua makes use of the SW storage and accessing structures, but does not exploit the ontology evaluation measures and algorithms provided by our SW gateway. The lack of such measures and evaluations is justified when attempting to exploit them within a Web scale retrieval environment.” ({Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval…} pg. 178)
ch1_2_OB (Ontology Browsing)
:seeAlso {An Intelligent Query Interface Based on Ontology Navigation} .
ch_1_2_sparql (SPARQL Query)
ch1_nlq_fgss (Fresnel GSS)
ch_1_2_edit_triples (Edit Triples)
:seeAlso {A Widget Library for Creating Policy-Aware Semantic Web Applications} : [Langauge: JavaScript] .
ch_1_2_OPM (OPM)
ch_1_2_Ripple (Ripple Transaction)
ch_1_2_NLP (NLP Edit)
ch_1_2_2nd_file (How to add a second file)
ch_1_2_Applications (Applications)
:seeAlso {Data ownership and interoperability for a decentralized social semantic web} : ;
:child {SOLiD} : [Language: JavaScript et al.] .
ch_1_2_Botqueue_IOT (Botqueue IOT)
ch_1_2_VRM (VRM)
:seeAlso {Data ownership and interoperability for a decentralized social semantic web} : .
ch_1_2_edit_OPM (Edit OPM)
ch_1_2_P2PArch (HP Computing)
ch_1_2_GSS_URI_SPARQL (SPARQL expansion for URI)
ch_1_2_Facet (Faceted Browsing like S.I.M.I.L.E Longwell)
:seeAlso {SIMILE Longwell} [Language Java, JavaScript] .
ch_1_2_ldbrowser (linked data browser like Fenfire)
:seeAlso {Fenfire} [Language: Haskell],
{LodLive} [Language: JavaScript],
{RDF Gravity}[Language: Java] .
ch_1_2_Preferences (Preferences)
ch_1_2_conclusion (Conclusion)