For Fission’s company retreat in May 2023, aka FissionCamp, we’re at Bodega Ridge on Galiano Island, part of the Southern Gulf Islands between Vancouver and Victoria on Vancouver Island.
This is a public wiki page with some notes and links about Galiano and camp happenings.
On Tuesday night, we hosted a few folks for dinner and conversation at Bodega Ridge
Rek & Devine from 100 Rabbits and the good ship Pino.
Boris grabbed his reMarkable and Rek did a doodle of Pino. There are getting to be a lot of commodity e-ink screens, so there are also devices like Boox.
Josh is another sailor and computer smasher who joined us. He does robotics, and day jobs on infra for Forem. We talked about design for deployability and mentioned several “new Heroku” platforms, like,, Josh pointed at Hatchbox
Avi Bryant runs the Gradient Retreat Center and has many projects. Mesh networking society on Galiano, with UniFi routers in tall trees. Large scale 3D printing. Co-living in various firms. Pro tip: Texada Island has inexpensive land and (key!) no zoning!
We talked about sharing learnings around Stolon Mesh (also DWebYVR page).
Maybe we’re going to organize a TrainJam from Seattle to Strange Loop using privately owned rail car??? Links via Avi:
Follow that scheme here:
Christian Nally did the original work from home via dial up and Skype audio to Seattle’s DeepRockDrive. He works as an instructor for Lighthouse Labs on web dev and data science.
Renee makes shoes as Westerly Handmade (and is Rachael’s studio mate at 1000 Parker Street in East Van) and has now moved to Galiano. She’s building a tiny house and runs the recycling center.
Boris went on a tall ship, the S/V Concordia, as part of the Class Afloat program. Hasn’t built his own boat (yet), inspired by Voyaging on a Small Income.
@Quinn and Devine shared a list of CompSci papers they love:
- Design and implementation of a low-level language for interaction nets
- XXIIVV — interaction nets