IPFS end point for Tweetbot Custom Media Uploader


Tweetbot is a Twitter client for iOS and MacOS. It supports setting different integrations for media uploads and URL shortening.

There is a custom option for images, video, and URL shortening. URL Shortening is interesting, but needs to be defined in a separate post of what to do with URLs.

From the “Help” in the Tweetbot app:

Tweetbot Custom Media Endpoint

Tweetbot uploads images/videos using an HTTP POST request that should be compatible with a number of different image sharing services. The request sends along the Twitter OAuth Echo headers, described here http://dev.twitter.com/pages/oauth_echo.

The POST request contains the following fields:

  • message : The text of the Tweet that will be posted
  • source : “Tweetbot for iPhone”
  • media : JPEG or MP4 data with a mime type of either image/jpeg or video/mp4 and a filename of image.jpg or movie.mp4

The response should be one of the following formats:

  • URL
  • { url : URL }
  • { medialurl : URL }


Tweetbot Custom URL Shortener

Tweetbot shortens URLs using an HTTP GET request that should be compatible with a number of URL services.

The request will be replace the %@ string with the URL that needs to be shortened.

The response should be one of the following formats:

  • URL
  • { status_code : 200, data : { url : URL } }
  • { shortURL : URL }
  • { shorturl : URL }


User Impact

Who would want to use this and why?

People who use Twitter on iOS or Mac, but want to have images and videos self-hosted

People who want an easy to use uploading experience for IPFS

Use a great Twitter client but also make your images and video re-usable and portable by uploading them to IPFS.


  • Tweetbot-compatible URL end point
  • upload files & video to IPFS
  • return a gateway URL