Request for CIDs of large files

We are moving into phase 3 of the Filecoin Backup project, where we will add storage deals! One option will be storing a file when given an CID for a file that already exists on IPFS.

Does anyone have CIDs for really large files that we could use as examples? We are hoping for files that are 32GB or larger.

If you have a CID that you are willing to share, reply below. Thanks! :pray:

OK, looks like I found some datasets in Awesome IPFS

They all look like old school Qm CIDs, so don’t know if they are even still around?

Some of my favourites:

50GB of Cooking Recipes

I think the CID QmTXo6GforwsuGAd8behjgvKCsMMBdG1xMZJF4qa9W7CHB is a single zipped file, which is really not useful. I’ll see about downloading the file, unzipping it, and then … uploading it again?

World Wide Web History Project

Only 92MB!

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Wow, that’s amazing!