Vancouver Travel

Info related to travel to / from / in Vancouver.

COVID Testing

$99CAD, drive through, 2 hour results. If you don’t have a car, you can also just walk down.


You can get a Compass Card and load it up for Skytrain and bus usage

Skytrain goes to/from the airport direct to downtown

Can also use credit card “tap” to pay for transit, but Compass is slightly cheaper.

Evo Car Share

Evo is car sharing where the cars can be picked up / dropped off anywhere in core City of Vancouver.

Ride Hailing

Uber and Lyft are both in Vancouver.

Was this supposed to be in public?
Also: $99? :exploding_head:

Yep! #wiki has lots of in public stuff. I’ll probably put some stuff here about car share and transit too.

I think PCR tests rather than rapid tests were like $200-$300, so we’re glad that the rapid tests are allowed now!