Webnative SDK 0.35 Release

We’ve just released Webnative 0.35.

This version of Webnative is a major rewrite to improve the reliability and extensibility of Webnative. It includes:

  • A new component system to make Webnative customizable and independent of Fission infrastructure
  • A new API for initializing Webnative
  • Namespaced apps, run multiple apps on the same domain, each with their own accounts and WNFS
  • Improved bundler support

Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes.

We’ve also updated our guide to cover the new release: Webnative SDK - Fission Guide.

If you have an existing app that uses Webnative, we’ve prepared a migration guide for you: https://guide.fission.codes/developers/webnative/migration#version-0.35.0

It should give you a sense of what changes you will need to make.

Please file issues in Github or come talk to us in #dev-support on Discord. We’re happy to help.