
One of the things I love about the distributed work culture at Fission is the “monologue” channel.

Each team member gets one, and it’s a wonderfully low-friction way of jotting down ideas, sharing links, thinking out loud, and having impromptu parties :slight_smile:

Monologues are visible to other team members, so it’s easy to catch up and drop in to lend a hand, celebrate together, or comment on the latest news.

The fact that it’s “your own” space and it’s called a “monologue” makes it easy to write without feeling like you’ll be flooding a channel or that you require a response. NNTR (No Need To Reply) is the default.

So I wanted to experiment with writing more on the forum, and this is the lowest-friction thing I could think of to get started. No need to choose a title even (naming is hard!), just keep replying to the same thread.

I’ll be sharing links, status updates, and random ideas. Feel free to tune out or mute notifications for this thread, and also feel free to jump in with your own comments and ideas. Also, why not start your own monologue? :wink:

Writing isn’t just for capturing and sharing thoughts that have already happened. It’s also a great tool for thinking new thoughts you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Externalizing cognition and all that. So the easier the better.


This post is a big inspiration: Lean In Public / Open Source Your Knowledge

Automatic high-quality text-to-speech on Hashnode blogs. This is pretty cool:

It uses Amazon Polly, which I didn’t know about:

Cross-posted Headless Ghost on Fission blog post to dev.to:

Does Discourse auto-embed webm URLs?

Seems like it. This is a quick demo of deploying a Ghost blog to Heroku using Fission’s starter:

Also published unlisted on youtube. Oddly I can’t see it with more than 480p resolution:

Thanks to David Walsh for helping me save the video with a different speed using ffmpeg:

It turns out all you need to do is pass in filter with a PTS (presentation timestamp) value:

Faster Video Speed

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=0.5*PTS" output.mp4

Slower Video Speed

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=2*PTS" output.mp4

The lower the PTS value, the faster the time-lapse video is generated. If you use a larger value, the video will display in slower motion.

Used LosslessCut for removing many minutes of build and deploy spinners:

Edit: oh, and Kap for recording:

Ok now Fission’s heroku-ipfs-ghost repo has a nice animated gif demo on it:

Sadly gifs can’t be used as the open graph image for the repo. If anyone finds a hack for that please let me know!

Thanks to Gifski for making the conversion and compression easy:

And to Voy on DEV.to for sharing the hack on how to get github to load large (and not-so-large, in this case :man_shrugging:) gifs:

Ooooh that gif is :cool:

I wish it were possible to just insert video media

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah, they recently added video upload to issues and pull requests, maybe at some point they’ll add to READMEs too. I sent a support suggestion, hope it counts a bit :crossed_fingers:

Bookmarking some buzzword arithmetic that’s floating around my mind:

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Might be nice to get a review of WNDB on this list at some point:


That’s a good read, and yes we should reach out to him.

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New Universal Basic Income ($UBI) token by democracy.earth:

“The Privacy-Friendly Hubspot Alternative”

Stronger compliance with data regulations, jurisdictional hosting, but still not e2ee (like chiffre.io) and doesn’t seem to be privacy-centric in terms of reducing/anonymizing/expiring/etc end-user data collected.

Good angle, updating the old “if you’re not paying you’re the product.” Paying is no guarantee that your data won’t be mined and sold:

Heroku helping muddy the meaning of “end-to-end” encryption. Saw this on the admin dashboard next to an option to enable SSL:

SSL Certificates provide end-to-end encryption and integrity for all web requests to ensure information is transmitted securely.


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Really great and balanced comparison between Flutter and React Native: